When people do something which isn't right , they always expect us to forgive and forget; but why when they never do so?
They always expect you to forgive them for their faults and mistakes; but just commit one fault or do a mistake and the reaction you get in return can make you believe its the end of the world. They wold blast out on you forgetting all the good you did to them and every right thing you did. They would pour all the anger they had in their life and every negative emotion or feeling they once had for someone out on you. You should learn from your mistakes, not be afraid of making them or regretting them because they should teach you life's lessons. Even if they forgive they would never forget and will just hold it against you all your life, but you know what is said? If you didn't forget, you haven't forgiven.
Nevertheless, when God forgives, who are we to hold grudges on people and not to forgive them.
In conclusion, Its a part of the human nature, every man is selfish; therefore, we expect to make mistakes and be forgiven when we can not even bare the idea of forgiving someone else for their mistake; but after all no is perfect.